(General Overseer, M.F.M. Ministries Worldwide)
Dear brethren, this message is that you can do better in your life. You ask, how can I do better? Read on and it will become clearer. Remember the person who can help you with this is Jesus!. You must remember, although we walk in flesh we war in the spirit. I pray that this message will be received by you with an open mind. Let Jesus come into your heart and he will talk to you and explain all your thoughts.
I pray that God will position you for uncommon success in all the days of your life. A friend in Jesus is a friend of mine and I pray that any power that wants you to die without you fulfilling your destiny shall die in your place, in Jesus name. This is why I write this message to reach out to those of you who still doubt if Jesus exists. I have many testimonies of my own, including those of other members of various congregations that I come in contact with.
There are many reasons for this message. When you miss the person you are supposed to meet in life anything can happen to you as the enemy is moving about like a roaring Lion looking for whom to devour. Some of the reasons for this message are as follows because they have missed the person they were supposed to meet in life.
1.Many people are a shadow of what God wants them to be.
2.Many believers who quote the Bible claim authority but they are gaining
no ground and no victory follows.
3.Many people have internal suppressors.
4.Many do not really know the kind of person they are supposed to be.
5.Many Christians have been converted to hewers of wood and drawers of water.
6.So many people are singing the Lord's song in a strange land, and God is asking why sing my songs in a foreign land.
7.Correct life of many people are dead.
8.Many are depressed, frustrated, unhappy and disappointed.
9.Believers who have forms of Godliness but they deny the power thereof.
10.The enemy has closed down the workshop of so many lives.
11.Many are being remotely controlled from afar, dictating what is happening in your life.
12.The enemy has planted the strong hold of infirmity in many lives. 13.Many have finally accepted the satanic substitute for their lives.
The Book of Psalm 37 verse 23 says, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delighteth in his way".
The scripture above clearly shows that you are not supposed to be under any manipulation or control of any unrighteous authority because your steps and destiny are ordered by God. You should reject, refuse and condemn any satanic substitute for your life. God had already made provision for you even before you were born. You are where you are now because of somebody you met or someone that met you. Your present location now is decided through a contact you had or made in the past. Our lives go up and down depending on who you meet or miss. Today is a product of who you meet or you did not meet yesterday.
There are two kinds of person you should meet in your life.
The first person you must not miss is God. You cannot meet Him and your life will remain the same. Until you meet Him you have met nobody. He is the One that created you and knows you more than any person. Many people even Christians have not really met Him, because when you encounter Him, people around you will instantly notice a change in you. Many great men of God in the Bible like Jacob, Moses and Paul were completely and instantly changed after meeting with Him. People who saw you before the encounter will now say what happened to you. I pray that God will arrest you, put you in a corner where you cannot escape. I pray that you will encounter God. There are two things that are important in the life of a shepherd, the rod and his shoes The rod to put sheep back into line and to lead by the way they should go. He needs a shoe because of the terrain to protect the feet.
The second person you must not miss in life is human being. In life you meet four kinds of people. They are as follows:
1. Those who add to your life
2. Those who subtract from your life. There are some women whose life would have been better off had they not met their husbands who became a deficit and burden to their lives
3. Those who leave you the way they find you. Never add or deduct from your life.
4. Those who waste your life. They are called wasters.
The people you meet and the people you did not meet in life chart the course of your life. When I was to travel abroad for my post graduate studies I met a clerk who changed the course of my life. I got to know about the scholarship for my doctorate degree two months after the closing date for submission of completed application from I completed my application form, prayed as we were taught to pray some serious prayers. I took it to the respective office for submission. I was told the closing date was two months ago. Whilst the discussion about late submission was going on, a clerk in the same office came by, decided to try if there is anything he could do by speaking to their boss. He went to see their boss with my application form for scholarship, came back to inform me it has been accepted.
The day I met that clerk my life changed forever. In the journey of life destiny allows some people to cross your path to catapult you to a prepared ordained place but if you miss that person, you crawl unknown to your own grave. In addition there are blocker spirits who can block you from meeting your ordained helpers. The enemy can arrange for you to marry the wrong person and have the wrong spouse. That is why when we counsel people who want to marry to seek the face of the Lord for their divine ordained husband or wife.
What some people call friends are their enemies. They are eating and revealing their secrets to their enemies. An angel might come to you in rags and you chase him away. That is why the Bible said, some people entertain angels unawares. Likewise you can insult an angel. The enemy can manipulate somebody into someone's life in order to waste that life. The day you meet some people could be your day of blessing or your day of woe. Also the day you meet some people could be a day of eternal joy. There are situations where people that are antagonizing you, could be a divine arrangement to lead you to your path of break-through in your life. In the story of Joseph, his encounter with Potiphar's wife (read Genesis chapter 39) eventually gave him the chance to interpret Pharaoh's dream which made him to become the Prime Minister in the land of Egypt.
In the Book of Luke chapter 22 verses 10-11 say, "And He said unto them. Behold when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water: follow him into the house he entereth in. And ye shall say unto the good man of the house. The Master saith unto thee, where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples?
The highlight of the above scripture is the man with a pitcher or jar of water. The disciples were on a mission and the man with a pitcher was their divine pointer to their mission accomplish. The man with the pitcher never knew that he was a sign leading them to their desired location. What would have happened if the disciples have missed the man with the pitcher? My dear reader, this is the situation many people find themselves in at the present moment. Many people have lost their divine sign post in life and as a result are roaming around aimlessly in life. Imagine what would have happened if the disciples have argued with the man with the jar. Please, pray this prayer before you continue your reading:
My Father, if I have missed the person with my divine jar, O Lord bring him back, in Jesus name.
The question you have to ask yourself is, have I missed the person with my divine jar? Whether you answer yes or no, you need to pray.
Prayer is the only solution.
God is so merciful and full of compassion that when you call on Him He is more than able to bring back to you the person with your divine jar. It is guaranteed and sealed that when you call on God, He would answer you, because He said, I wish above all things that thou may prosper here on earth in anything you do or any project you embark on and be in good health.
My family and I need good health and I suppose every body. But before you can be a partaker in God's assured promise, you need to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. In the journey of life you cannot make it without JESUS. The Bible tells us that He is the way, the truth and the life. When you have Him on your side you have everything. There is no time to waste, you have nothing to loose. On the branches page, you will find the nearest branch of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries to you or any Bible believing spirit filled Church. You can give us a call and someone will be able to help you. Surrender your life to Jesus and then the prayer below will profit you more. God bless you as you obey the voice of Holy Spirit urging you to surrender.